Thursday, 30 June 2011

If your OCD includes asking for reassurance, then the people you ask will need to be involved in your exposure work.

Distraction - helping you to focus on something outside your fear, to remind you that the outside world is still there, for instance that girls got nice hair or did I tell you were going to paint the kitchen?. Now clench your stomach muscles tightly. Relax, and feel the difference. Within a short time I was returning to see my GP once more as I was now experiencing the constant sensation of adrenaline rushing round my body almost every second of the day. Ive tried prescribed medication, herbal remedies, homeopathy, hypnosis, CBT, counselling, relaxation, meditation, graded exposure and breathing exercises. Explain to the helper what your goal is, and what they can do to help you. It keeps me from taking on risky challenges because I know Ill fail at them. In Part Three you will learn how Anxiety affects your thinking, and learn some techniques for reducing anxious thoughts. Remember, whatever it is called, and whatever the circumstances which trigger it, the root is always Anxiety, and the way to recovery is similar. What will hap next? Using counter statements for negative core beliefs Examples Im powerless - I can control my life. Jog a few yards on the flat, repeat until comfortable. In the quest to be perfect someone with OCD can blame themselves for any thoughts they have which they judge to be bad thoughts and may feel they should be punished for having those thoughts. At this point you need to ask yourself - do I want to carry on as I am, living in the black hole of Anxiety, or do I want to take a small, carefully structured risk as a step along the road to recovery? Wouldn't you do everything in your power to help them? The top layer is the thoughts that arise because of what is haping in the here and now. Do you feel embarrassed in company, dread being the centre of attention, or dislike going to pubs or restaurants? Many of us are drawn to sugary foods, such as cakes, sweets, biscuits and chocolate. Ive been places I never thought Id go - I went to Old Trafford to see the flowers for the Munich memorial. When you first start on exposure work it can be helpful to adopt a range of coping skills. My coping strategies, or lack ofthem. This is a REAL disorder and should be respected as such.

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