Monday, 20 June 2011

Except it was always going to stop whatever you did - fight-or-flight is a short term reaction remember.

Everybodys recovery moves at a different pace, and to a different rhythm. No wonder its hard to pick yourself up and find the energy for a recovery programme. Symptoms include: severe debilitating fatigue painful muscles and joints problems sleeping digestive problems poor memory poor concentration. Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day it is worth trying to manage it. Overestimating a bad outcome When you look into the future, you assume that there will always be a negative result to anything you do. Watch a video about a spider. All of the examples in this book are taken from real life, from the stories of people with Anxiety who either told us about their experiences or wrote them down for us. Just doing this will clarify your thoughts and may in itself make it clear what you want to do. When you read about the need for change, did you feel a stab of fear? Im an adult, Ill take responsibility now. Once you have set a boundary, communicate it clearly and stick to it. They often have low self-esteem and fears of rejection from others. Resent the way other people treat you. Is the danger really big enough to matter? Explain to them that you might not give very coherent answers to their remarks, and that this doesnt matter. Here is an example of one list for a family trying to decide whether to have a camping holiday in the UK or a package holiday in Spain. Lie down, or sit in a comfortable chair, and listen to the recording. Here are some suggestions: walk round the house or flat go up and down stairs, if available do housework use an exercise video or DVD use an exercise bike, or treadmill. Start by doing this exercise when you are sitting comfortably and when you are not particularly anxious. Its not this living nightmare that turns every minute of every day into a torment of worrying.

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